Deposits-Gift Cards-Event Tickets-Black Friday Gift Cards

This is where you will find our selection of gift cards as well as Deposits and Event tickets. 

Deposits will be made for appts that have already been discussed and you have been told to come here and purchase one. 

Please make sure that you have already spoke to an artist before paying a deposit. 

You have to call or text the shop, or message the facebook page 24 HRS prior to your appt to confirm said appt or you will forfeit the deposit as well as the time slot. If booking via the Square booking site, disregard this because square will send you an automatic text reminder because it is the best booking service ever.

This is NON-Negotiable 

All gift cards and Deposits will be sent to your email at time of purchase. It will also be sent to us via email. 

Black Friday Gift Cards starting 2023 will be good for one year, (2024) and will be good for one per-session. One per session equal to the amount of $200.00 


2024 Gift Cards will be on sale on the Square Site. This helps track online gift cards and ensures that you do not lose them either. We will start selling in person gift cards for Black Friday November 26th-30th. This is a one time sale that we do each year.




Penny's Gift cards will be found on the square site. Link below. Go to the featured items on the main section of the square site.